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Regional Data Hub
The Regional Data Hub connects Australians to data and insights about their communities.

Latest Content

Estimated Dwelling Stock Interactive Map
The Estimated Dwelling Stock insight uses the ABS’s dwelling stock data to present estimates of Total Dwellings (Houses, Townhouses, and Apartments) for the 2016 to 2022 period.

Data Maps Resources
This video introduces the Catalogue Explorer Map and shows how to get started using the map to find relevant data.

Experimental Gross Regional Product estimates
GRP is an estimate of each region’s unique contribution to the national economy. BCARR has produced experimental estimates for SA4s for 2015-16 and 2020-21.
The Hub can help you:
- Find regional data with an extensive and easy to use data catalogue
- Explore regional data insights via interactive dashboards and maps
- Learn about data and the resources on the hub with a range of educational material